SAF tech firm Velocys gets whopping $40m investment for growth.

February 12, 2024
1 min read

TLDR: Oxford-based sustainable aviation fuel technology company, Velocys, has received a $40m investment from a consortium of growth investors including Carbon Direct Capital, Kibo Investments, Lightrock, and GenZero. The investment will be used to accelerate the delivery of Velocys’ technology to customer projects and to further invest in its technology, production, and personnel. Velocys’ catalyst and micro-channel reactor platform can be used with various feedstocks to produce sustainable aviation fuel, including municipal solid waste, woody biomass, CO2, and green hydrogen. The company currently operates a reactor facility in Ohio, capable of producing 12 reactors per year. The investment is seen as key in helping to decarbonize the aviation industry and to advance the adoption of sustainable aviation fuels.

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